A contemporary SaaS website

A contemporary SaaS website


A flexible modern WordPress website for Eftsure, hosted on WP Engine, bringing to life their new brand identity and showcasing the benefits and use cases of their Security Payee software.


Design brief

Eftsure came to Digital Garden to redesign and redevelop their existing WordPress website hosted on WP Engine.

The result is a flexible, modern SaaS website that provides Eftsure with a more corporate identity and the ability to generate content at a fast rate.

digital garden
Modern Design

Modern Design

A key consideration for Eftsure was to bring the website into a more modern era whilst maintaining a sense of corporate identity.

To achieve this, Digital Garden employed a number of brand motifs to create a cohesive look and feel across the site. Additionally, a clean scroll animation was used on the homepage to better engage users with important product content.


Resource Hubs

Resource Hubs

Two dynamic feeds are available on the site to host a large volume of content for Eftsure customers - one hosts detailed blog articles and the other hosts whitepapers and information around upcoming webinars. 

A vast number of flexible content blocks were created to allow content to be as engaging, readable and accessible as possible. HubSpot forms were also integrated into these areas to allow Eftsure to capture email addresses of potential webinar attendees or ask users to provide their details before downloading resources.




On the homepage of the website is a custom scroll animation. When a user interacts with this animation, key product details and selling points are revealed to them to highlight what Eftsure's products can do.


The end result is a clean website with a clear brand identity that breathes life into product detail and security-based information.

The site positions Eftsure as a corporate, modern business within the financial services market.